The Daytimer, a geometric digital time sculpture - brand new from the iconic Italian design brand Alessi and designed by renowned architect Will Alsop + Federico Grazzini, this watch features a high-contrast blue OLED digital display, framed by a bold geometric polyurethane case.
"Daytimer is formed of Alsop's vision of objects in the world. We see it present in the landscape; it has landed in the universe of objects, naturally, effortlessly.
It has a smart, adaptable, docile form, which encases its technological core while at the same time it is ironic and natural. Although apparently clumsy, it wraps complacently round the wearer's wrist, presenting the owner with its 3D display; the OLED screen conveniently turning towards its owner and wanting to play.
Daytimer wants to be owned by its wearer, although inevitably it will attract the attention of others. It polygonises a human wrist. It loves humans and wants to be close to them. Or part of them.

And below, some examples of his extraordinary architecture;

Will Alsop Interview-->Video LINK
Alessi Daytimer Product Page Link
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